
Hey, there. My name is Brandon Wilkins. I am the pastor of Christ Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Crystal Lake, IL. I was ordained to the gospel ministry in the Presbytery of the Midwest (OPC) in 2011. I earned my Master of Divinity from Westminster Seminary California in 2008.

The title of this blog, “A Pilgrim’s Theology,” is drawn from an old Reformed description of theology. Pilgrim theology is a way of describe our knowledge of God on this side of glory. We are ‘pilgrims’ or travelers, living by faith as we pass through this present evil age. Until we reach heaven, our knowledge of God is incomplete, yet because of Scripture it is nonetheless reliable and true. That is basically what “pilgrim theology” is; it is knowledge of God that is imperfect, yet reliable enough that you can live on it and grow by it!

Anyway, you’ll find a lot of different stuff here. Some of it will be pretty ‘high octane’ and some of it will be simpler.

If you are wondering how to ‘use’ the blog, here are a couple of tips. First, you’ll notice a tag cloud labelled “toolbox of concepts” (HT: Marc Trestman). What shows up in the cloud of words are the things I write about the most here. The bigger the size of the word, the more posts I have on it. So, one way to look around is to click on one of those words.

Second, you will also notice the “search the site” feature. If there is something in particular that you are looking for, type it in, and I may have written something about it.

Anyway, I hope you find this blog to be an encouraging and equipping resource!