The Nature of Faith

“I tried to represent faith as falling into Christ’s arms, and I thought I made it so plain that the wayfaring man could not err therein. When I had finished preaching, a young man came to me and said, “But, sir, I cannot fall upon Christ’s arms.” I replied at once, “Tumble into them anyhow; faint away into Christ’s arms, or die into Christ’s arms, so long as you get there.” Many talk of what they can do and what they cannot do, and I fear they miss the vital point. Faith is leaving off can-ing and cannot-ing, and leaving it all to Christ, for he can do all things, though you can do nothing.” -Charles Spurgeon, Talks to Farmers

Your God-Given Spam Folder

“Scientists estimate that for every hundred pieces of information that enter our brains, ninety-nine end up in the spam folder.1 Noticing only one thing out of every hundred is a good thing. As many suffering autistic people will tell you, if you don’t have a good mental spam filter, you can be overwhelmed with useless and harmful data.” -David Murray, The Happy Christian

Calvin: Sometimes It’s Better to Limp Than to Sprint

“For we should so reason that the splendor of the divine countenance, which even the apostle calls ‘unapproachable’, is for us like an inexplicable labyrinth unless we are conducted into it by the thread of the Word; so that it is better to limp along this path than to dash with all speed outside it.” -John Calvin